Let’s Face It

Status:  In an alternative life, I am a gypsy. Peasant. Dancing. The only change I would make to Bain's painting, is rather than flowing grey hair, I would wear a headdress of bleached cotton which would basically look the same. Pretty much. Once every couple years or so, I do a commendable job of going …


People  Kirk Newman (1926- Bronze 1973-1974  Kalamazoo Institute of Arts photograph daysift Status. Going back. I don’t. Primarily because it no longer serves with purpose. Unless it does. Still seems I have very little to say about that as it is so with spirit. Moments of treasure appear at their time. My best attitude is …


A philosopher's gene. I got it. At 56 years of age, having come this side of everything that was, I can begin to recognize some good. In me. Can't remember when I haven't seen good, all around. Inside? Arrogance and empathic contemplation skip generations, on my Dad's side. And, they alternate. I got the latter. …


Love is………………….from where I find myself, today. Knowing that a dear one will have travelled days and weeks and months before you see them again. Building only fine dreams for them in the interim. Occasionally falling prey to worry only to come again to the blessed knowledge that they are powerful. And kind, and deliberate …


looking out at early morning eye drawn  as usual on the water no glittering ripples today big wind big enough whips up white caps on the pond half mile wide, and barges out of the woods south and west can’t tell for sure where the gusts are originating they are all around recking winds astonishing …